I had the following error returned when trying to install Cloud Pak for Data 3.5.1 on ROKS:
[root@ibmcloudcli cpd3.5]# bin/cpd-cli install --version 3.5.1 --repo repo.cpd351_wd220.yaml --assembly lite --namespace zen -c ${STORCS} --accept-all-licenses --insecure-skip-tls-verify
[INFO] [2021-07-08 02:44:30-0297] Arch override not found. Assuming default architecture x86_64
[ERROR] [2021-07-08 02:44:31-0596] Error verifying current oauth token - Error from server (NotFound): oauthaccesstokens.oauth.openshift.io "sha256~8tVNTfNxXyQutCtTA3KwM8wKJk7JBNZF42h88" not found
[INFO] [2021-07-08 02:44:31-0596] cpd cannot verify token expiry time due to above error
Do you wish to continue (Y/N): n
I was able to get around the issue by adding "--silent-install"